Chocolate Mug Cake

Chocolate Mug Cake 400

I don't know why when I see these Mug Cake recipes, I feel like I need to give them a try.  I guess I must be looking for a shortcut to a fantastic dessert.  The last Chocolate Cake in a Cup I tried was good for what it was but still not like a real size cake.  So here goes another recipe that I tried from Instructables.  I am not sure if this is the type of site I should be going for recipes, but you never know!

Chocolate Mug Cake in Mug 400

This cake was ok and definitely works in a pinch, but it never gave the feeling that it will be anywhere near the top of my list of desserts to try again.  So I guess, the search continues.  Perhaps I will try one that is not chocolate next time.

5-minute Chocolate Cake
Printable Recipe

coffee mug
4 tablespoons flour
4 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa
2 tablespoons whisked egg - 1 egg is too much, 1 egg white is too eggy, 1 yolk is too dense, but 2 tablespoons is just right!
3 tablespoons milk
3 tablespoons oil
3 tablespoons chocolate chips
splash vanilla or other flavoring - try peppermint or cinnamon
For a fudgier version, omit egg!

1) Add all of the dry ingredients to the mug and mix.
2) Add the egg and combine well. It gets pretty pasty at the point.
3) Stir in milk and oil.
4) Add chocolate chips* and splash of vanilla. Stir well.
5) Microwave for 3 minutes in a 1000w oven, or 4 minutes in a 700w oven.
It will start to crown over the top of the mug. Don't panic! It will collapse once the heat stops.
*if you don't have chocolate chips, try a broken up candy bar - I can't stress how much this amps the awesomeness of your cake
